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Scrum Team

Front Page Forums Agilité Scrum Team

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
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  • #2893
    Maître des clés

    If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the original Scrum Team?

    Its productivity is likely to increase
    Its productivity is likely to stay the same
    Its productivity is likely to decrease

    Comment exactement la productivité est censée baisser dans ce cas de figure ?

    Maître des clés

    Because the first team should spend time on interaction with the other teams and resolve dependencies. In the very beginning the productivity will drop even more because members of the first team will have to do some knowledge transfer to the new teams

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
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