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Sprint Backlog

Front Page Forums Agilité Sprint Backlog

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
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  • #4108

    Hello, according to the Guide, the Sprint Backlog includes the Sprint Goal, the items selected from the Product Backlog and the plan on how to implement the work. The Sprint Backlog belongs to the Devs and it’s a plan by and for them. However, in page 9, the Guide also says: “The resulting plan is created by the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team”, “The whole Team then collaborates to define a Sprint Goal that…”. From what I understand, the plan and the goal are formulated by the whole Team and it’s the Devs only who decide how exactly the work will be done.

    So here I’m confused. If we get a question like “Who creates the Sprint Goal?”, or “Whose work results in the Sprint Backlog?”, what should we answer? The whole Team or the Devs? Thank you

    Maître des clés


    thanks for your question and sorry for the delay. The right response is the Whole team, Determining the Sprint Goal is one of the activities that shows how the relationship between the different roles is established.


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